School & College

  Features & Services

Parent App

Parent App useful for the parents to view their children profiles in school.

Online Exam

Students can login to take online exam to improve their skills.


The app allows you to streamline and customise your admission process with real-time tracking offline as well as online. The multi-tier, configurable admission process from parent enquiry to generation of admission number, can be done paperless.

Fee Collection

Simplify fee management with a secure payment gateway and view all transaction details. Parents can pay the fee online from home, get receipts instantly on email and in-app. Money is automatically allocated to the correct receipt head. No waiting, no lines, no data mismatch.


The app helps simplify and expedite leave application and approval process. Leave data gets updated automatically. The processes of configurable leave types, integration and verification become very smooth through the app .

Time Table

Admins can simply enter the requirements. Teachers can even modify settings in the timetable to suit the needs of their class. Additionally, if a teacher is absent the module automatically allots a substitute teacher for that class and subject depending on the availability.


Save time by automating calculations and avoiding inaccurate paperwork. With the help of the app, monthly data can get regularised and payroll generated. Generate bulk salaries, save time and reduce errors. Manage applicable allowance/deduction without any hassle. Create cumulative, graphical and personal pay slips.


With the help of the app, pre-defined templates can be used and report cards can be generated with a single click. There is no need for any spreadsheets or offline work.

Teacher's Portal

This App helps Teachers to conduct Assignments and generate results.It also used to share the reports of students and have a conversation with parents regarding their children performance.