Online Lawyer's Diary

  This is a web site project that manages the lawyers , clients , cases and dates of cases information. This project allows to register the lawyers and after login the lawyers can store their client's information . They can also store the cases information up to the mark. Whenever the client or lawyer wants to know information of a particular case then the lawyer can view the information of the case from beginning till date so that the lawyers can analyze the case and can prepare for the next case date in the court.

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Automated Time Table Generator

  Most colleges have a number of different courses and each course has a number of subjects. Now there are limited faculties, each faculty teaching more than one subjects. So now the time table needed to schedule the faculty at provided time slots in such a way that their timings do not overlap and the time table schedule makes best use of all faculty subject demands. We use a genetic algorithm for this purpose. In our Timetable Generation algorithm we propose to utilize a timetable object. This object comprises of Classroom objects and the timetable for every one likewise a fitness score for the timetable. Fitness score relates to the quantity of crashes the timetable has regarding alternate calendars for different classes. Classroom object comprises of week objects. Week objects comprise of Days. Also Days comprises of Timeslots.....

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Car Pooling

  To maintain a web based intranet application that enables the corporate employees within an organization to avail the facility of car pooling effectively...........

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Online Auction

  Auctions are among the oldest economic institutions in place. They have been used since antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In this dissertation, we explore the efficiency of common auctions when values are interdependent- the value to a particular bidder may depend on information available only to others-and asymmetric.....

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Graphical Password

  This paper presents an integrated evaluation of the Persuasive Cued Click-Points graphical password scheme, including usability and security evaluations, and implementation considerations. An important usability goal for knowledge-based authentication systems is to support users in selecting passwords of higher security, in the sense of being from an expanded effective security space.....

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Book My Event

  Assume a state having different districts, where each district is further having different Sectors, which may comprise of around 1000 families. Each Sector is having two event halls, one is around 5000 sq. meter and another is 2000 sq. meter. These halls can only be booked by the family head person residing in that sector personally visiting. You need to design and develop a online website for online BookMyEvent booking on date and time basis, in order to better facilitate meetings, family functions, cultural events, etc.....

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Service Serve Save

  Service Serve Save is a website the integrates number of social services together. It is the website were different social welfare organizations(women welfare, old age welfare, child welfare, welfare of physically challenged etc.) can registers and upload the information. The users who want to donate anything to a particular welfare organization can browse the concerned welfares in this site and they can know about the address, phone number etc. The donors information also available in the site. The organizations also uploads the programs conducted by them and the interested people can visit or contribute.....

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Services up the Pole

  When one want to construct a building he wants to gather information of builders, carpenters, painters, plumbers etc. This information any one can gather by asking other persons and we cannot have belief on their work or him. Therefore we develop a online website in which the constructors, painters, plumbers, carpenters, etc people can register in the site. The administrator of the site verifies the people and stores these people identifications. The users who wants to known about the information of people of construction or painting or plumbering can login into this site can get the workers information present in the city or near to them....

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Learning Management System

  The Learning Management System (LMS) has been established in a number of universities worldwide to help connect students and lecturers without the confines of the traditional classroom. It is an environment with digital software which is designed to manage user learning interventions as well as deliver learning content and resources to students. In this era of information technology, the internet is easily available and accessible by urban areas, which is where most universities are situated. The internet is defined as a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide, and it includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols.

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Online Event Management System

  Online Event Management System is a website that allows administrator to add all college notices into the site which can be viewed by the students. HOD's of the college can also add notices into the site of a particular branch which can be viewed by only that branch students. Events and its schedule conducted by the branch can be posted into the site. After completion of events the students can post their feedback on the events conducted based on which the branch head can decide whether to conduct or not next time the same events.....

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Online College Registration

  Today all the work at the time of admission of the students is done manually by ink and paper, which is very slow and consuming much efforts and time. It is required to Design of a Computerized Automated College Registration System, to speed up and make it easy to use. Student admissions are a vital part of any university's running because students are what keep a University alive. The student admission is one of the most important activities within a university as one cannot survive without students...

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Online Training and Placements Cell

  A college campus recruitment system that consists of a student login, company login and an admin login. The project is beneficial for college students, various companies visiting the campus for recruitment and even the college placement officer. The software system allows the students to create their profiles and upload all their details including their marks onto the system. The admin can check each student details and can remove faulty accounts. The system also consists of a company login where various companies visiting the college can view a list of students in that college and also their respective resumes.....

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Govt Model Schools

  Govt. Model Schools is a web application provides information of all model schools running by govt. The students can register into this site and can apply for admission. The site randomly picks the students for selection. This site also maintains the profiles of teachers and students. The student's monthly status is uploaded into the site so that the parents can see the performances of their child's....

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Fast Nearest Neighbour Search

  Conventional spatial queries, such as range search and nearest neighbour retrieval, involve only conditions on objects' geometric properties. Today, many modern applications call for novel forms of queries that aim to find objects satisfying both a spatial predicate, and a predicate on their associated texts. For example, instead of considering all the restaurants, a nearest neighbour query would instead ask for the restaurant that is the closest among those whose menus contain Indian and Chinese dishes at the same time......

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Examination Automation

  In engineering colleges one of the main branches is exam branch. We automate this branch using a website. This website allow to post/view about time table, lecture schedules, exam dates, notifications, exams marks. Students can view all the notices places in the site and any fee paid to the exam branch is also paid through this site online from their homes.

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Metro Train Smart Card Application

  This is an integrated service which provides all information about the metro rails and its routesfor public. The proposed system is a Web Application which provides information regarding timings, routes, pass card apply, recharging the card for travelling and etc. OnlineMetro Rails is an automated System to recharge Metro Train smart cards online. This Application also has option to issue smart card.....

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Network Security Groupkeyagreement

  In this paper, we study a group key agreement problem where a user is only aware of his neighbors while the connectivity graph is arbitrary. In our problem, there is no centralized initialization for users. A group key agreement with these features is very suitable for social networks....

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  Cloud computing is internet based computing which enables sharing of services. Many users place their data in the cloud. However, the fact that users no longer have physical possession of the possibly large size of outsourced data makes the data integrity protection in cloud computing a very challenging and potentially formida-ble task, especially for users with constrained computing resources and capabilities. So correctness of data and security is a prime concern. This article studies the problem of ensuring the integrity and security of data storage in Cloud Computing. Security in cloud is achieved by signing the data block before sending to the cloud. Using Cloud Storage, users can remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable computing resources, without the burden of local data storage and maintenance. However, .....

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Village Data Base

  Project is a charity group of professionals those want to voluntarily contribute in their village or town's development. Issues like Primary education, people's health, government policies awareness and availability of basic facilities or infrastructure s on main focus among others. Through this application group want to help their members of group to plan, collaborate, discuss and take steps on different activities.....

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Beyond Text QA multimedia Answer Generation by

  Multimedia has become an inevitable part of any presentation. It has found a variety of applications right from entertainment to education...

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Fake Product Review Monitoring and Removal.

  Now-a-days online shopping is replacing shopping at store, With the rapid expansion of e-commerce, many products are sold on the Web, and many people are also buying products online. Most of the people require review about a product before spending their money on the product. So people come across various reviews. It has become a big task for customer to buy the products online based on reviews....

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Governament Schemes

  Many renowned people have repeatedly stated that Indian people lives in villages and no development takes or can be achieved unless rural areas and its people are addressed. The ministries of India have come up with various schemes from time to time at state and central level, yet most of the rural population is not aware of the schemes. Out of analysis made, it was discovered that most of the rural and urban people are not aware of the existing schemes....

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District Level Colleges Web

  District-level College Web is a site to provide students a platform to get information regarding events held in other colleges of the district. The events are categorized into technical which include code contests, workshops, seminars, conferences, placements and non-technical which include sports, cultural fest, and other competitions. The users are students and staff. They have to get registered to the site....

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Online Electives Selection

  Open elective selection and assigning is a hectic and lengthy process. This project aims at creating an online open-elective management system which can be used by students and faculty to choose and assign open-electives respectively. Students can log into the site and opt from the available electives they desire and for which they are eligible. Students can even edit their responses within the given time period....

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Equity Trading Portfolio Manager

  Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager is assistant software for traders who normally do the trading though some stock brokers. These traders mostly track the share prices using News channels or news papers and place the order for stock buy or sell to stock broker. Stock broker actually does the buy or sell action on behalf of such traders. ETP manager keeps the track of share prices offline (if time permits this can be made online) and provides charts and analysis of the particular companies’ share with available data. At End of Day, the broker will update the closing stock rates to database......

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Pharmaceutics Trailer

  Pharmaceutics Trailer is a system that practically concentrates on the associative standards of the Medical diagnosis and Research Development environments. The major problem in Drugs and pharmaceuticals industry is to design or invert a new Bio-molecular combination of a chemical. The new Bio molecular combination should have the ability in training its roots towards the ailment that exists in the body and fight against that ailment......

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Development of an agent-based information push mechanism

  Information push mechanism is a way of pushing the information to the user who would be interested in that. This technique is widely used in web-site advertising (showing the advertisements that a user with a certain profile would be interested in, yahoo! sites for example). This technique can also be applied in other areas wherein a user with a known profile interacts with an information system (such as a website). Based on the profile and on the history of activities of the user, a behavioral profile of that user could be determined and this behavioural profile will help the information

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Anti Corruption Management System

  The main aim of this system is to reduce /avoid corruption in different departments. This System is Centralized database to store and managing all information regarding Corruption .It aims to inform the people about the functioning of the Bureau while at the same time being open to their suggestions and proposals. By using these system users can post complaints and view status of the complaints. This System Mainly act as a interface between users and Anti corruption department. ACB officers can view the complaints and assign team for investigating on those complaints which are send by users. This System Provides information about the enquiry status. To effectively enforce Anti Corruption Laws with integrity & impartiality strive to achieve the highest standards in the duties.....

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Attendance Management System

  Attendance management system a website. Lecturers post attendance of the students daily in the site. The system automatically update the students percentage in the database. Students can login into the site through their credentials and can view their attendance details and percentages and whether they are eligible for the exams, or have to pay condonation or will get detain from the college etc. Administrator can also view the attendance details of the students branch wise, student wise etc.

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Automated ballot vote

  Automated ballot vote is an information management system that has been developed for automating the process of election proceedings that take place between the people, and the government. The system needs consistent flow of information at different levels within the automated ballot vote, any interruption in the flow of major data can cause the final verdict to get stalled or pending. These kinds of situations should be holding our automated ballot vote system......

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Bus Scheduling & Booking System

  This project is aimed at developing an Stadalone Bus Scheduling and Booking system useful for applications developed in an organization. The Bus Scheduling and Booking System is a standalone application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used by Mangers, Supervisors, Booking clerks of the organization.....

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College Bulletin Board

  College website is web application which provides information of college online. Through this site the students can interact with each other to share their knowledge. Students can clarify their doubts online by interacting with the lectures. Lecturers can post the links, pdf or documents about the subjects so that the students can download and acquire knowledge. Students can post their suggestions about after engineering like about higher studies, jobs, improving skills etc. Students can present their ideas in the site about an event and others can give rating to it and based on the rating the events can be implemented later.

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  This project is aimed at developing an Stadalone Credit Card Approval System useful for applications developed in an organization. The Credit Card Approval System is a standalone application. This system can be used by Organizations who provide credit cards for the people, and monitoring their transactions.....

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Defect Tracking System

  This project is aimed at developing an online defect tracking system useful for applications developed in an organization. The Defect Tracking System (DTS) is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used for logging defects against an application/module, assigning defects to individuals and tracking the defects to resolution.....

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  Distributed File systems enable the collaboration in any environment consists of more than one computer. Earlier systems made use of manual systems like FTP. Later real distributed file systems have been developed like NFS and SMB. Demand has been increasing tremendously for file sharing and distributed environment.[This paper tries to give out a solution to one of the security threats in the distributed file systems. Unlike other methods of DFS, this paper illustrates how it can privilege the security system in the distributed systems.....

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Easy Chair

  Conferences are conducted by various companies either domestic or international levels. These companies invites the people for the conferences. We develop a Easy Chair online application which is a website where the companies posts the conference information and eligibilities. These users(students,lecturers, professors etc) views the conference information and registers into the site. The users who want to attend the conference posts their papers into the site. The companies sends these papers to their experts for evaluation...

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  This project is aimed at developing an online Ecare Management system useful for applications developed in an organization. The Ecare Management System is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used used by help desks, consultants, and customer service to assist and support their clients......

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Employee Performance Recognition

  Employee Performance and Recognition Portal is online Performance Appraisal and Recognition system used by all the employees in different sections of the company. Salary hike and promotion depends upon the employee performance. This portal is a one stop shop for all the employees to provide details like tasks performed and performance measures improved etc to their superiors. It allows superiors to evaluate and analyze the employee’s performance and work done by him and target....

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Employee Separation

  The E-Separation System will facilitate the automation of the employee Separation process The application will automate the existing task of the employee to initiate the separation process and get clearance from all the departments online. Human Resource Development can process the separation online and provide the relieving letter once the clearance is obtained.....

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  This project is aimed at developing an online Fashion Management system useful for applications developed in an organization. The Fashion Management System is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used for Fashion Designers , models and clients.....

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Fiscal Carport Cluster

  “Fiscal Carport Cluster” is a web-based application, which helps in tracking the movement of employees and client vehicles in a carport. The application provides secure and efficient way to manage and store the information about the automobile details; automobile service details. This application allows general users/ registered clients/employees to perform different activities and provides an easy way to track this carport information. There are features like addition of a new user, employee, client, spare parts....

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Get Connect Your City

  Government Services App is a.Net application to help the Indian citizens to centralize the complaint cell for every department of the government in an online manner and check with the status of the complaint. In this system we are not only checking with a single department of the government but with respect to all the departments like Electricity board, Municipality, Roads and Police department which we come across around us in our day to day life....

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Online Auction System

  Govt. sales different commodities such as buildings, lands, furniture’s etc. These sales are done through auction by advertising in news papers. But this advertisements may or may not reach to the people properly. Therefore we develop a web application in which the govt. orgranizations can register and post their auction products which initial amount and provides auction date and timings. The users can view auction details and can register for the auction if they are interested......

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Group Key Agreement with Local Connectivity

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Hospice Management of corporate sector

  In current situation lot of corporate companies are tie-up with different hospitals for their employee purpose. But they don’t have any interface to communicate with hospital management whether that employee really consent that hospital or not. Lot of employees are applying for medical allowances with out consulting any hospital. This is the major disadvantage on current scenario. To avoid this problem we are going to introduce a web portal for the sake of corporate companies and major hospitals....

Further Details    8686869867


  This project is aimed at developing an online Internet Banking Service useful for applications developed in an organization. The Internet Banking Service is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used by Customers, End Users and bank Authorities. There are features like user maintenance, user access control, Money Transfer.....

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  The main objective of the project is that developing an interface between user and multiple outlets. Stores can accept orders online and provide accurate shipping information to their customers; they also provide special offers to regular customers. Using these online application users can select apparels, artifact items, gifts etc... And place orders. This application can generates Reports and has dashboard to provide a pictorial view for day-to-day business needs. This online application maintains different items along with images. Using this application user can purchase several different products or items on their own choice. This application maintains only trusted parties’ information only. The central concept of the application is to allow the customer to shop virtually.....

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  We consider the collaborative data publishing problem for anonym zing horizontally partitioned data at multiple data providers. We consider a new type of “insider attack” by colluding data providers who may use their own data records (a subset of the overall data) in addition to the external background knowledge to infer the data records contributed by other data providers. The paper addresses this new threat and makes several contributions. First, we introduce the notion of m-privacy, which guarantees that the anonymized data satisfies a given privacy constraint against any group of up to m colluding data providers. Second, we present heuristic algorithms exploiting the equivalence group monotonicity of pri-vacy constraints and adaptive ordering techniques for efficiently checking m-privacy given a set of records.....

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Online Banking Customer Services

  The most frequent & essential service used by every individual is banking services. Every individual is in need of a bank, which provides security services in an easier & simpler way. Online Banking Customer Services is designed to automate the Activities like creating new accounts, Querying on bank balance, information regarding specific transactions, transfer of funds from one account of theirs to another, cancellation of accounts, request for a new cheque book. This software package offers a series of services to the customer through the internet which would make it very easy to carry out simple tasks faster instead of making a visit to the bank every time....

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