Emergency Contact Management

  EMS is responsible for leading the department in providing a properly planned and organized emergency management force, capable of responding to public emergencies. The person in an emergency or anybody at the emergency site will open EMS at avail the service. The common man can make use of this application in case of any emergencies.The system works is such a way, that victims will receive help in the form of fire, ambulances, blood bank depending on the situation. This application drives to and responds to emergencies promptly. Various emergency handling services are present worldwide to cater to the emergencies faced by the common man. At present, India does not have such similar well defined emergency-handling approach. EMS is developed keeping in mind the lack of any such system in India.By using this application we can send the information to the particular responsible teams without any wastage of time. In other Emergency Application the data is collected orally, but in this appl

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IOT Based Smart Parking System

  The objective of our project is to develop a Graphical User Interface software application which is user friendly. To encourage the use of intelligent parking system. As the technology has increased ,why won't we utilize it? To decrease accidents which are caused due to improper parking. To overcome public issues regarding traffic, we are developing an application. The main objective is to show the location of parking areas. This gives the information regarding parking areas with available places or slots. Reduction in parking search time.

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Online Toll Identification

  Toll Gate Payment app have been of great assistance in lessening the over congestion that has become a part of the metropolitan cities these days.It relieves the traveller of the burden of waiting in the queue to make the toll payment, which decreases the fuel-consumption and also taking cash with them can be avoided.This android application will deduct the amount from the travellers account automatically when the traveller is 1km apart from the toll plaza so that the travellers can directly go through the toll gate without waiting. This app has a background activity where the google maps and the navigator will run....

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Patient Information System

  Patient Information System is an android application which lets the patients to easily view the information, medical history that is updated by the doctor and to get the test performed by the diagnostic center....

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Smart Medicine Timer

  Smart Medicine Timer is an android app. The user of the app can register and post the details of his medicines, medical hall and timings of medicines to be taken. This app automatically raises alarm based on the times set of taking medicine. When the alarm raises the user takes the concerned medicine and the app also reduces the medicine by one....

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Medicine Recommender System

  Recommender systems are software tools and techniques for suggesting items to users by considering their preferences in an automated fashion. The suggestions provided are aimed at support users in various decision making processes. Recommender systems are used to address the Information Overload(IO)problem by recommending potentially interesting items to the users. Many existing recommender systems rely on the Collabarative Filtering(CF) and have been extensively used in E-Commerce.....

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Tour Planner (Identifying Places Of interest for Tourists Using Knowledge

  This project android tourist guide provides the tourist with city map depending on its current location entered by the android phone user. This information helps the tourists to find the desired locations to visit. Well it consists of entire details of those locations or how to reach the location but it provides the basic information to decide the places to visit. This project is mainly beneficial for the tourist's having no idea about the places they want to visit. By providing a geographic based information system the tourists and people shifting to new cities can get a better guidance of the places they want to visit. This proposed application do consists of a planner system where user can plan his own tour and can view the nearby places by making the application GIS based, it includes many advantages as the user can view the required location in map and accordingly can know the time that will be required to reach the final destination......

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Virtual Doctor

  There are some situations where the people wants to have medicine prescription without with consulting the doctor physically based on the symptoms of disease if it is not major one or in some urgency. This is Virtual Doctor an android app where the users can create an account and can search for medicines for the symptoms without consulting the doctor based on the previous records of prescriptions. This app also provides an option to consult the doctor online and can post the symptoms of the disease.....

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Blood Bank Management System

  This project is mainly used to spread the awareness about blood donation. Many people don't know about the importance of blood donation and some people are aware about it but they are not known about the chances when and where they can donate. This is Blood Donation Symbiosis an android app where the users can create an account and post the requirement of blood and know the right user. This app also provides an option of camp details where user can donate the blood in the nearest place....

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Smart Attendace System

  This application is mainly designed for the faculties and other staff members or organizational heads of the institutes who take attendance of their students and employees regularly. Using this system, all you have to do is to once create a database in this application, of all the students or lecturers and then you can regularly take attendance of those into your phone only....

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Clean City

  This Application allows a common man to report problems (under the Jurisdiction of Municipal corporation like BMC) to Municipal corporation. Problems like Pot Holes, open drainage, fallen trees, etc. are logged into the application......

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Kits Free Processing

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Milk Delivery App

  Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. In day to day life it has become the primary source of nutrition for all the human beings. In rural India, daily milk can be delivered to home by local milkmen with carrying bulk quantities in a metal container by person. In other metropolitan cities of India, milk is usually bought or delivered in plastic bags or cartons via shops or supermarkets or in person......

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Property Bulding Selling Renting

  The main aim of online real estate management system is to keep record of housing properties available for sale and will work as connecting bridge between customer and property seller. Due to this system there is no need to visit various places in search of desired property. The information of various properties in various locations can be accessible at one place....

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Smart Heart Prediction

  The diagnosis of heart disease in most cases depends on a complex combination of clinical and pathological data. Because of this complexity, there exists a significant amount of interest among clinical professionals and researchers regarding the efficient and accurate prediction of heart disease....

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Health Prediction

  It might have happened so many times that you or someone yours need doctors help immediately, but they are not available due to some reason. The Health Prediction system is an end user support and online consultation project. Here we propose a system that allows users to get instant guidance on their health issues through an intelligent health care system online......

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Training And Placement System

  A college campus recruitment system that consists of a student login, company login and an admin login. The project is beneficial for college students, various companies visiting the campus for recruitment and even the college placement officer. The software system allows the students to create their profiles and upload all their details including their marks onto the system. The admin can check each student details and can remove faulty accounts. The system also consists of a company login where various companies visiting the college can view a list of students in that college and also their respective resumes.....

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School Bus Tracking System

  Our project helps parents to keep track of their children. It provides easy communication between school & parents. Using this, parents can easily track the position of school bus. This helps in real time location tracking about where the child is. School management reduces the risk of parents in their child's security. It reduces the police involvement, as this may avoid crimes like kidnaps etc......

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College Student Management Sysem

  College Student Management System (CSMS) is a mobile application for students and faculty that is used to know the campus updates. We develop a simple and suitable application with necessary features to notify students and faculty about any sort of information required to be known. The main motive behind this application is to provide information to students and faculty through push notifications. Access to the students and faculty is possible in this application by logging in with their respective ID's....

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Canteen Automation System

  The project "Canteen Automation System", which is a technique of ordering foods online applicable in any food delivery industry .The main advantage of this system is that it greatly simplifies the ordering process for both the customer and the canteen. When the customer visits the ordering application, they are presented with an interactive and up-to-date menu, complete with all available options and dynamically adjusting prices based on the selected options. After making a selection, the item is then added to their order, which the customer can review the details of at any time before checking out using android application. This system also greatly lightens the load on the canteen's end, as the entire process of taking orders is automated.....

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SR Academic Training Application

  SREC Academics and Training application, is an application available for students and faculty. Students can download the materials, can view the videos related to the academics. They can post the queries to the faculty. Faculty can upload academic materials, they can clarify the queries posted by the students. Students are also provided with the training materials and practice tests....

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User Interface

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