Discovery of Fraud Ranking System

  Ranking fraud in the mobile App market refers to fraudulent or deceptive activities which have a purpose of bumping up the Apps in the popularity list. Indeed, it becomes more and more frequent for App developers to use shady means, such as inflating their Apps' sales or posting phony App ratings, to commit ranking fraud. While the importance of preventing ranking fraud has been widely recognized, there is limited understanding and research in this area. To this end, in this paper, we provide a holistic view of ranking fraud and propose a ranking fraud detection system for mobile Apps. Specifically, we first propose to accurately locate the ranking fraud by mining the active periods, namely leading sessions, of mobile Apps...

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E-cet Customer Services

  The most frequent & essential service used by every individual is banking services. Every individual is in need of a bank, which provides security & services in an easier & simpler way. E-Banking Customer Services is designed to automate the Activities like Querying on bank balance, information regarding specific transactions, transfer of funds from one account of theirs to another, request for a new cheque book.....

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Automation Exam Seat Allotment

  The purpose of developing exam hall seating arrangement system is to computerized the traditional way of conducting exams.System is developed for the college to simplify examination hall allotment and seating arrangement.It facilitates to access the examination information of a particular student in a particular class.Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the seating arrangement report automatically during exams. Mostly students are facing many problems for finding the exam hall and their seats respectively.A newly invented concept can aid for the students for checking their exam halls....

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Doctor Patient Portal(Virtual Doctor)

  There are some situations where the people wants to have medicine prescription without with consulting the doctor physically based on the symptoms of disease if it is not major one or in some urgency. This is Virtual Doctor an android app where the users can create an account and can search for medicines for the symptoms without consulting the doctor based on the previous records of prescriptions. This app also provides an option to consult the doctor online and can post the symptoms of the disease. The doctors register in the app and view all the requests [symptoms of disease] in the app and post the medicine prescription so that the users can buy the medicine at the nearest medical stores...

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Graphical Password

  This paper presents an integrated evaluation of the Persuasive Cued Click-Points graphical password scheme, including usability and security evaluations, and implementation considerations. An important usability goal for knowledge-based authentication systems is to support users in selecting passwords of higher security, in the sense of being from an expanded effective security space.......

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Book My Event

  Assume a state having different districts, where each district is further having different Sectors, which may comprise of around 1000 families. Each Sector is having two event halls, one is around 5000 sq. meter and another is 2000 sq. meter. These halls can only be booked by the family head person residing in that sector personally visiting. You need to design and develop a online website for online BookMyEvent booking on date and time basis, in order to better facilitate meetings, family functions, cultural events, etc.....

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Online Charity

  Project is a charity group of professionals those want to voluntarily contribute in their village or town's development. Issues like Primary education, people's health, government policies awareness and availability of basic facilities or infrastructure s on main focus among others. Through this application group want to help their members of group to plan, collaborate, discuss and take steps on different activities.....

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Beyond Text QA multimedia Answer Generation by

  Multimedia has become an inevitable part of any presentation. It has found a variety of applications right from entertainment to education....

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Automatically Mining Facets Queries From Their Searched Results

  We address the problem of finding query facets which are multiple groups of words or phrases that explain and summarize the content covered by a query. We assume that the important aspects of a query are usually presented and repeated in the query's top retrieved documents in the style of lists, and query facets can be mined out by aggregating these significant lists. We propose a systematic solution, which we refer to as QDMiner, to automatically mine query facets by extracting and grouping frequent lists from free text, HTML tags, and repeat regions within top search results....

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E- Banking Customer Service

  The most frequent & essential service used by every individual is banking services. Every individual is in need of a bank, which provides security services in an easier & simpler way. Online Banking Customer Services is designed to automate the Activities like creating new accounts, Querying on bank balance, information regarding specific transactions, transfer of funds from one account of theirs to another, cancellation of accounts, request for a new cheque book. This software package offers a series of services to the customer through the internet which would make it very easy to carry out simple tasks faster instead of making a visit to the bank every time.....

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Integration of Web Services in a City

  The main objective of the project is that developing an interface between user and multiple outlets. Stores can accept orders online and provide accurate shipping information to their customers; they also provide special offers to regular customers. Using these online application users can select apparels, artifact items, gifts etc... And place orders. This application can generates Reports and has dashboard to provide a pictorial view for day-to-day business needs....

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Student Performance analysis Tool

  This project will design and implement a tool to assess several aspects or components of the University B.Tech Programs. The tool should be able to capture data to assess students, a course objective or student outcome, a program outcome, a program. Students should be able to take exams/evaluations at different levels of difficulties in order to position them at a National Level in Engineering. Each engineering student should take exam in this site to analyze his performance . The exam will have to cover university accreditation objectives. The Exam will have a minimum of 5 questions per subject, these questions are added by teaching faculties of different engineering colleges......

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Archive Management System

  In this digital era, data security is prioritized. Any organization would like to keep their historical data for future references. There is also a need to keep track of current data of the organization. This Archive Management System helps an organization to keep the entire data of the events, meetings, notices, etc. Every paper document that has been generated from any department or office. This application focuses on college data. Before where everything documented and stored in paper files, There could be loss of any single record that you might want to know about or the same might be misplaced in the wrong file and might take quite some to locate it.....

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Smart Attendace System Using Fingerprints

  This application is mainly designed for the faculties and other staff members or organizational heads of the institutes who take attendance of their students and employees regularly. Using this system, all you have to do is to once create a database in this application, of all the students or lecturers and then you can regularly take attendance of those into your phone only......

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Association Rule Hiding

  Association rules are if-then statements that help to show the probability of relationships between data items within large data sets in various types of databases.......

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Rare Association Using Apriori Inverse

  Association mining is one of the important tasks of data mining intended towards decision support. Basically it is the process of finding some relations among the attributes/attribute values of huge database. Inside the huge collection of data stored in a database, some kind of relationships among the various attributes may exist....

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Library Management System

  The project titled Library Management System is Library management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library .The project “Library Management System” is developed in java, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new member.......

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Virtual Class Room

  Online course portal is an online learning environment, just like a real world class room. It is a software developed for students in colleges and institutions to access the online course material and attend the online lectures. The present application deals with communicating with external media and in this case the Web Camera.......

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Ultra a Protal

  This innovative Web Portal functions as an online community management system for a Club, Association, Corporation, Nonprofit or any other company or organization. It combines several online applications into one easy to use package. Now you too can build an Online Community or an Intranet system! The portal comes with several e-content modules, such as Event List, Links, Classifieds, News and Discussions, which is a great way to get started....

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Bug Tracking System

  For many years, bug-tracking mechanism is employed only in some of the large software development houses. Most of the others never bothered with bug tracking at all, and instead simply relied on shared lists and email to monitor the status of defects. This procedure is error-prone and tends to cause those bugs judged least significant by developers to be dropped or ignored.....

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I Buy Spy

   E-Buy is a fictitious web-based catalog sales site. Users can browse the catalog, add items to their personal shopping cart, and when they have finished shopping, they can check out and finalize the sale.Casual browsers can view catalog items freely. A search facility allows users to look for items using any word in the description. If they like, users can add product reviews to the description......

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Information Portal

  Information Portal is a private domain web portal, which is being developed for a private university. The portal acts as a information kiosk for students. The portal acts as a bridge of communication between the students and the administration. The application helps in improving the communication standards between the different domains existing in the organization. The overall advantage of the system is empowered by decreasing the latency that arises while operating through the manual process. The portal helps in adjusting and arranging the operational standards in the maintenance of information related to their students and examinations. The administrators on handle all the operational based information with respect to the transactional state that may arise in complementing the application procedures......

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Online Bank Financial Services

  The project titled “Online bank Financial Services” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as backend which works in .Net framework version 1.1. The coding language used is Visual Basic .Net.The project contains customer account creation, their translation such as deposits, withdrawal and interest entries through online by the bank networks. The customer of one branch can make translation in any other branches of the Bank.....

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Worldwide Net ranking System

  The project titled “Worldwide Net ranking System” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as back end which works in .Net framework version 1.1. The coding language used is C# .Net. This project handles the rating process of the website. There are so many websites around the world which distribute the information given by their owners. It is an effective and easy way to reach the information to the people. There are different types of websites and their pages are with attractive information and design. Rating is a method to know the people mentality about the pages in the website and it also helps the website holder about viewer’s response.....

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Information screen in Share marketing

  Data mining techniques have been widely used in various applications. However, the misuse of these techniques may lead to the disclosure of sensitive information. Researchers have recently made efforts at hiding sensitive association rules. Nevertheless, undesired side effects, e.g., nonsensitive rules falsely hidden and spurious rules falsely generated, may be produced in the rule hiding process. In this paper, we present a novel approach that strategically modifies a few transactions in the transaction database to decrease the supports or confidences of sensitive rules without producing the side effects. Since the correlation among rules can make it impossible to achieve this goal, in this paper, we propose heuristic methods for increasing the number of hidden sensitive rules and reducing the number of modified entries. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach, i.e., undesired side effects are avoided in the rule hiding process. The results also report that in

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Online Classifieds

  Online Discussion Forum is just line any another discussion forum found in most of the websites online with an additional unique elegant look & feel and extended functionality. The idea of forum has been adapted from lots of forum in many websites. Truly speaking this is an enhanced or improved version of the ASP only version. The good features of all these forums are incorporated in to this Online Discussion Forum to make it really an online solution for all forum needs. ODF supports all the common features of any standard forum like posting a message.....

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Employee Timesheet Management System

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Text Mining

  Text mining, sometimes alternately referred to as text data mining, roughly equivalent to text analytics, refers generally to the process of deriving high-quality information from text. High-quality information is typically derived through the divining of patterns and trends through means such as statistical pattern learning. Text mining usually involves the process of structuring the input text (usually parsing, along with the addition of some derived linguistic features and the removal of others...

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Advertising Agency

  The project titled “Web Rating and Online AD Agency” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2008 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as back end which works in .Net framework version 3.5. The coding language used is C# .Net.This project handles the rating process of the website. There are so many websites around the world which distribute the information given by their owners. It is an effective and easy way to reach the information to the people. There are different types of websites and their pages are with attractive information.....

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Alumni Management System

  Alumni means graduate or former student of a school, college, or university. Alumni Management means managing the information of all the student and their details who left college and who are in the in the college perusing their studies.The core of the web site is engineered around the robust alumni profile & registration system. This system is flexible. Once an alumni has registered, they will have access to an alumni list, by year. Registered users can also edit their comprehensive online profile.....

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Development of an agent-based information push mechanism

  Information push mechanism is a way of pushing the information to the user who would be interested in that. This technique is widely used in web-site advertising (showing the advertisements that a user with a certain profile would be interested in, yahoo! sites for example). This technique can also be applied in other areas wherein a user with a known profile interacts with an information system (such as a website). Based on the profile and on the history of activities of the user, a behavioral profile of that user could be determined and this behavioural profile will help the information...

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An optimal pattern search

  Optimal pattern search is the task of assigning predefined categories to natural language text. With the widely used “bag-of-word” representation, previous researches usually assign a word with values that express whether this word appears in the document concerned or how frequently this word appears. These features are not enough for fully capturing the information contained in a document. Although these values are useful for optimal pattern search, they have not fully articulated the abundant information contained in the document. This project explores the effect of other types of values, which express the circulation of a word....

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  This project is aimed at developing an online Anganwadi Management System the purpose of the system is to store the children details (maintain their register, food details), nutrition food details of the pregnancy ladies. House visit details (vaccination, no. of house visits), staff details on the databases.The System is to store the databases & update the Anganwadi details. This Project offers a GUI interface to its users and connects to a common database(s)....

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  The ApGenco Department is the primary power generating unit and is dedicated for producing power.The purpose is to maintain all the records of the ApGenco Mailing System.This document is the only one that describes the requirements of the system. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have to go through the formal changes approval process. The developer is responsible for asking about the clarifications where necessary, and will not make any alternations without permissions of the Client. The Software must effect as a thing of relaxation....

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Automated ballot vote

  Automated ballot vote is an information management system that has been developed for automating the process of election proceedings that take place between the people, and the government. The system needs consistent flow of information at different levels within the automated ballot vote, any interruption in the flow of major data can cause the final verdict to get stalled or pending. These kinds of situations should be holding our automated ballot vote system.....

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Back to My Village

  BTMV is a charity group of professionals those want to voluntarily contribute in their village/town’s development. Issues like Primary education, people’s health, government policies awareness and availability of basic facilities/infrastructure are on main focus among others......

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Bank System

  This project is aimed at developing an standalone Banking System useful for applications developed in an organization. The Banking System is a Standalone application that can be accessed in the organization. This system can be used by Bank Authorities. There are features like user maintenance, user access control, Depositing Money, Withdraw Money, Searching the customer....

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Banking System

  The E-Banking is an application that has been developed for a well-established regional bank operating primarily in south India. In the world of this competitive environment and technological development, the bank has been totally computerized in the last 4 years, and to increase its customer base has started planning, for a concept called as e-banking; with this concept the bank wants to move very nearer to the customers and increase its basic operational strategies.....

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  Budget analysis is a useful web application that helps all sorts of business firms. The main strategy of the project is to automate the excel data and calculations into RDBMS to make data retrieval and manipulations easier. The application is done using ASP.Net and we have used SQL Server as the back end to make it more powerful.

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Bus Ticket Reservation System

  Traveling is a large growing business in India and other countries. Bus reservation system deals with maintenance of records of details of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey. It also includes maintenance of information like schedule and details of each bus.We observed the working of the Bus reservation system and after going through it, we get to know that there are many operations, which they have to do manually. It takes a lot of time and causes many errors. Due to this, sometimes a lot of problems occur and they were facing many disputes with customers. To solve the above problem, and further maintaining records of items, seat availability for customers....

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Centralisation of Data in university

  Distributed computing promises a standard, ‘complete’ set of grid computing capabilities. Distributed computing must provide basic functions such as resource discovery and information collection & publishing, data management on and between resources, process management on and between resources, common security mechanism underlying the above, process and session recording/accounting. Main advantage of Grid computing is, a network of distributed resources including computers, peripherals, switches, instruments, and data....

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  Centralization of civil registration is the online system or agency to help the Indian citizens to apply for government records like passport, driving license, voter’s ID card, PAN card etc... And register certificates like birth, death, marriage etc.....

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Citizen Card System

  The Project ‘Citizen Card System’ gives us the information about the citizen in any country. A Citizen has unique Id to find out the personal information in each and every department or service wherever a citizen goes. This information can be found out by the unique Id of the citizen. If any citizen wants to utilize the services or utilities by the Government or Private organizations, he has to go to each and every department with different Id for that particular department. Instead, a citizen card helps in having all the utilities and services under one unique Id. This system not only helps us to know the information about the services or utilities but also it gives the information about the character of the citizen in credit rating....

Further Details    8686869867


  Civil Registry is the online system or agency to help the Indian citizens to apply for government records like passport, driving license, voter’s ID card, PAN card etc... And register certificates like birth, death, marriage etc.....

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Clinical Management System

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Construction Cost Estimation Tool for Private Homes

  Accurately forecasting the cost of future projects is vital to the survival of any business or organization contemplating future construction. Cost estimators develop the cost information that business owners or managers, professional design team members, and construction contractors need to make budgetary and feasibility determinations. From an Owner's perspective the cost estimate may be used to determine the project scope or whether the project should proceed. The construction contractor's cost estimate will determine the construction bid or whether the company will bid on the construction contract....

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Corporate Based Recruitment System

  This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central recruitment Process system for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating vacancies, storing application data, and Interview process initiation, Scheduling interviews, storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may be required to be generated for the use of the HR group....

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   The title of the project is COURSE REGISTRATION SYSTEM. It aims at providing information to all the levels of admission within an organization. This system can be used as a registration in order to get admission in a course offered by a college. For a given student a registration code is created and using this the administrator provide its result of the selected students under some given criteria. In the conventional File Processing System the details of students are managed, a number of different application programs are written to extract records from and add records to the appropriate file....

Further Details    8686869867

Credit Card Fraud Detection

  Now a day the usage of credit cards has dramatically increased. As credit card becomes the most popular mode of payment for both online as well as regular purchase, cases of fraud associated with it are also rising. In this paper, we model the sequence of operations in credit card transaction processing using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and show how it can be used for the detection of frauds. An HMM is initially trained with the normal behavior of a cardholder. If an incoming credit card transaction is not accepted by the trained HMM with sufficiently high probability....

Further Details    8686869867

Cyber Banking

  The Cyber banking is an application that has been developed for a well-established regional bank operating primarily in south India. In the world of this competitive environment and technological development, the bank has been totally computerized in the last 4 years, and to increase its customer base has started planning, for a concept called as cyber banking; with this concept the bank wants to move very nearer to the customers and increase its basic operational strategies...

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Data Encryption and Compression

  Presents an algorithm for text compression that exploits the properties of the words in a dictionary to produce an encryption of given text. The basic idea is to define a unique encryption or signature of each word in the dictionary by replacing certain characters in the words by a special character “*” and retain a few characters so that the word is still retrievable. The question is whether we can develop a better signature of the text before compression so that the compressed signature uses less storage than the original compressed text. This indeed is possible as our experimental results confirm.....

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  Our project, Data Hiding in Audio files is the software developed for hiding information which uses the technology called as Steganography –derived from the Greek words meaning, “Covered writing”, is the art of hiding information in ways that prevent its detection. It is a method akin to covert channels, and invisible inks, which add another step in security. A message in cipher text may arouse suspicion while an invisible message is not...

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Day Wise Time Table Alerts to Faculty

  The main aim of this project is to intimate staff about their class. In this system we send email to communicate the staff. normally staff check’s the time table for every class by going to the notice board but they do not have information if any class is cancled or postponed for this they need to enquiry from the office or concerned head of department need to inform in order to get the information. But by using this system.....

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Dravidian University

  The purpose of this system is to maintain organization, Student faculty details. This System is mainly designed depending on two parts. So, that the process of maintain easier and there is no time delay for searching details. At present the organization are going in exponential form so there is a need to maintain the employee records in a consistent format.....

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Employee Competence Management System

  In the educational system we have both technical and non technical courses in Masters or in bachelor’s degree. If a student who is from non technical background wants to learn or gain technical skills he can go to any technical institute and can acquire the knowledge .He can take courses like C,C++,JAVA .Net and any other courses he is interested in. By learning these courses they will be getting only.....

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Employee Management System

  Employee Management system is software for managing data of employees in a company.EMS comprises the personal details of an employee. EMS keeps the record of employees joining date, leaving date, assets provided. It manages salary of employee according to the attendance. So we have decided to investigate the use of an Employee Management System.....

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Get Connect Your City

  Government Services App is a.Net application to help the Indian citizens to centralize the complaint cell for every department of the government in an online manner and check with the status of the complaint. In this system we are not only checking with a single department of the government but with respect to all the departments like Electricity board, Municipality, Roads and Police department which we come across around us in our day to day life...

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